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Zo werkt het

Je hostpas aanpassen

The Host Passport is a way for you to share details that bring to life you as a person and a Host.  It can help develop trust and meaningful connections between you and your guests, and it gives you an opportunity to share what makes staying with you special – to help you and your listing stand out. 

The Host Passport includes information about you that comes from your profile, and information about your history as a Host. To edit the Host Passport, add or remove information from your profile. The Host Passport includes additional details about you as a Host such as the number of years you've hosted, your Host rating, and information from your profile such as the languages you speak,  what you do for work, fun facts, your favorite song in high school, your interests, or your travel history. 

With a tap on your photo, guests can access your Host Passport to learn more about who they’re staying with.  The Host Passport may be shown for Rooms in search results, and is shown to all guests on a Home’s Listing page.

How we show information on your Host Passport

The Host Passport highlights information from your Airbnb profile and combines it with information specific to your hosting history like the number of years you've hosted and your host rating. This additional information helps develop trust and meaningful connections between Hosts and guests, and helps you and your listing stand out.

We may choose to highlight certain info on the Host Passport across Airbnb. For example, your listing page includes your photo, name, introduction, languages you speak, and the answers you provide to questions about you or what you do for your guests. We may also show a limited view of your profile to guests when they click on your photo in search.

Editing your Host Passport

You can edit your Host Passport by updating your public profile.

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